Paintings Gallery Three
Paintings Gallery Three
Paintings Gallery Three
Paintings Gallery Three
Paintings Gallery One

Why does the Caged bird sing? (for J.S.)
A meditation on what sparks the creative impulse, while reflecting on the works of John Cage, among others.
Hidden in the I Ching,
or Dimension Z
or perhaps The Book of Kells,
like a Rosetta stone, a rosary, or rose -
who knows?
is a curiosity,
a singular key (drink me, eat me),
to the creative enterprise,
to composition,
of poetry or prose,
to writing, mesostic
or painting, encaustic
to dancing on the head of a pin.
A small etude, string theory,
opposites reconciled, once again
or forever,
physics and poetry
in a brand new paradigm
singing the body electric
transcending rhyme.
In the stillness is the dancing.
The music of the spheres is linear, is light.
My little grey cells ring like bells
In the crystal cathedral of a starry night.