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Spring Rain Meditation




Looking out at the rain falling like silver over the cedars,


reminds me of tinseled Christmases long ago,

and the aroma of evergreen indoors.


Memories mingle with the mist.


Maybe there's a poem hidden in this weather,

waiting to be opened, like a gift…


A small bright bird will fly by, singing in the rain,

to a swinging feeder or the wisteria catkins

just unfurling and turning purple


like the lilacs beginning now to bloom,

heavy with water and full of fragrance.


I will go out walking, under an umbrella, slowly,

past the flowering plum, and the drooping daffodils

splashed in yellow…


raindrops drumming on the watered silk over my head, humming a little ode,


to the joy of Springtime, its silver and gold,

and iris rising, fetal-like,

pale lavender fish swimming up through swollen green stems to sudden splendor.



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